Trinity Prologue
Danika He’ll never know the emptiness his words left in my heart. He’ll never know I stayed… I listened… Each beep a crack in my...

Carver Prologue
Meadow Sister? Drug addict? Abandonment? How do I correlate those words with the man who has raised me the past ten years? I don’t… I...

Atticus Prologue
Catalina Summer, winter. Light, dark. Warm, cold. Rain, snow. That was my life. My truths. Until they weren’t. Until he came and ruined...

Castiel Prologue
Talia You’ll get through this. You can make it. You must be obedient. He’ll come for you. Four stupid lies I keep telling myself. Four...

Luther Prologue
Ariel Death. I watched for years as death was delivered day after day to more men and women than I could count at my young age. I sat...

King Prologue
Lilith Drip. Drip. Drip. I can feel my life bleeding away as I stick the needle full of cocaine into my arm. The freeing sensation is...

Vasyl Prologue
Prologue Vasyl One Month Ago. Leaning against the railing of the Potemkin Stairs as the sun sets on the horizon, I turn as I hear...

His Jailbird Prologue
Prologue Nicola 14 Years Old. “Kneel, Nicola,” my adoptive father barks his command at me. Surveying my surroundings, I meet the eyes of...

His Kingdom Prologue
Prologue Natale Woken from a dead sleep with a hand across my mouth and my mother’s voice in my ear, “Quickly, Natale, we must leave,” I...

Broken Princess Prologue
Prologue King “Motherfucker!” Everyone in the house comes running into the war room as I scream. The contents of my desk, now on the...